Imagining ARNOVA's Next 50 Years:
Scholarship, Practice, Community
Nov 17-19 | Raleigh Convention Center - Raleigh, NC
Non-member submission deadline: May 17
Member submission deadline: May 24
Conference Theme
We have already learned so much by reflecting on how far we have come. As we continue celebrating 50 years of ARNOVA bringing scholars and practitioners together, we pivot from reflection to envisioning the next 50 years.
While our 2021 conference in Atlanta marked the 50th anniversary of our association, 2022 marks 50 years of scholarly excellence through our flagship publication Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ). We celebrate these events, and we celebrate the ARNOVA community, however our members define it, as the nonprofit, the academic, practitioner, philanthropic, civil society, or other communities.
The past two years have been marked with unbelievable challenges. And throughout, we have learned the importance of connection and community, and the important role that nonprofits play in creating both, by providing healthcare, human services and, and basic needs. This time of great disruption presages the challenges and opportunities ARNOVA members face in building our field. We invite you to consider where we want to be in the next 50 years - as a sector of practitioners, as a field of study, as educators preparing the next generation of leaders. Where are we heading and how far do we want to go?
What do members consider the most important issues for the sector going forward? How do we as the ARNOVA community face the endemic challenges that mark this era, such as climate change, threats to democracy, systemic inequality, and others? What changes have institutions, organizations, and communities experienced that remain helpful, and which are starting to disappear? Whose voices do we need to hear more of to lead us forward? How should power shift to make meaningful and durable change in our field, in our association, and in the nonprofit, philanthropic, and civil society arenas? What do we - as scholars, as practitioners, as a field, and as an association - need to prioritize, both in the near term, but also for the next 50 years? What questions should we even be asking of our field? We hope these questions will point us toward the future, to consider where we might be in 50 years, and also where we should aspire to be.
The Conference Track for 2022 invites you to be visionaries. Following acceptance decisions, you will be invited to prepare a 1000-word vision for the field, for specific subfields, for various actors and/or interests. These pieces will be discussed at roundtables to help map out the way forward.
Submission Topics
An accepted submission to this Track will be invited to develop a 750–1000-word reflection piece/essay that will be circulated before the conference and discussed at roundtables organized by ARNOVA Sections and Common Interest Groups.
Where are we heading and how far do we want to go?
What do members consider the most important issues for the sector going forward? How do we as the ARNOVA community face the endemic challenges that mark this era, such as climate change, threats to democracy, systemic inequality, and others? What changes have institutions, organizations, and communities experienced that remain helpful, and which are starting to disappear? Whose voices do we need to hear more of to lead us forward? How should power shift to make meaningful and durable change in our field, in our association, and in the nonprofit, philanthropic, and civil society arenas? What do we - as scholars, as practitioners, as a field, and as an association - need to prioritize, both in the near term, but also for the next 50 years? What questions should we even be asking of our field? We hope these questions will point us toward the future, to consider where we might be in 50 years, and also where we should aspire to be.
Types of submissions
ARNOVA’s annual conference welcomes participation from researchers in all academic disciplines and a range of professional backgrounds – including nonprofit executives and staff, foundation staff, consultants, and policymakers. Students from all disciplinary backgrounds are particularly welcome.
The following conference submission types are available for the ARNOVA Conference:
- Conference Theme (individual and group)
- Individual Papers
- Panels (prearranged group of 3-4 papers)
- Colloquium (3-4 presenters with discussant)
- Lighting Research Roundtables (5-7 prearranged presenters)
- Professional Development Workshops
- Emerging Scholars Research Roundtables
- Posters
- The online proposal submission system will open April 15, 2022, and close at 11:59 pm EST, May 17 for nonmembers and at 11:59 pm EST, May 24 for members.
- Emerging Scholars Research Roundtable submissions will open on July 8 and close on August 24.
- Poster submissions will open on July 8 and close on August 15.
Questions can be directed to the ARNOVA office at (317) 684-2121, or to conference@arnova.org