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ARNOVA Board Member Expectations – “in brief”

This document summarizes the basic responsibilities solely for the purpose of educating members about our expectations for anyone considering running (or nominating someone) for an at-large position on the ARNOVA governing board. It is not an official document of board member responsibilities.  Actual board nominees will receive an official listing of board responsibilities. Please note that the responsibilities for officers are somewhat different.

If you are interested in serving as an at-large board member, please make these considerations:

  1. Board members need to have a greater sense of ARNOVA as an organization, and have begun to take steps to become involved, beyond presenting and your attendance. That is why you are encouraged to ask yourself if you have volunteered before (e.g., served on a committee, reviewed conference proposals, involved in Sections and CIGs, organized activities, etc.…)?
  2. Board members need to prepare for, attend, and participate in all meetings of the ARNOVA Board of Directors, throughout their term of service (please refer to the table below for term length and limits). In general, the full board meets in person twice per year. During the COVID19 pandemic, meetings have been more frequent (shorter and 4-5x per year and virtual.)
  3. Board members complete other duties as delegated by the President. This typically means chairing one of the standing committees and participating in one or two other Board standing or other committees (Please refer to Section 4 for Board Policy Manual). Time required is on average about 5-10 hours a month. Time may vary by committee and fluctuate over the course of the year. The table below provides 2021 estimates. Please note, Board officers (President, Treasurer and Secretary) should expect to spend substantially more time each month.
  4. Board members provide leadership as the sole governing body of the Association.
  5. Board members are responsible for the formulation & implementation of the strategic plan.
  6. Board members set internal and external policy and priorities/goals for the Association based on strategic vision.
  7. Board members hire, set the compensation, and evaluate the performance of the Executive Director.
  8. Board members provide the necessary direction, resources, and support to the Executive Director to ensure the Association staff can perform their job duties effectively.
  9. Board members serve as a resource for ARNOVA members.
  10. Board members have to ARNOVA’s conflict of interest policycode of ethics, & anti-harassment policy.
  11. Board members are expected to make a financial contribution in support of ARNOVA (beyond your membership dues and conference registration). Part of this is engaging with their institutions to provide sponsorships or other forms of financial support to ARNOVA as well.

Board Officers and Members’ Terms

 Position Term Term Limit
 President 4  years 2 years +

1 year as President-elect & 1 year as Immediate Past President

 Treasurer 2 years Renewed once
 Secretary 2 years Renewed once
 At-large Member 3 years Renewed once

2021 Estimated Hour for Board Committees’ Work

CommitteeAverage number of hours/year
Executive Committee (as member)10
Finance (as member)20
Professional Development45
Research Awards60
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