ARNOVA seeks to build a community of inquiry and discourse about research and teaching on voluntary action, nonprofit organizations and philanthropy. We recognize the value of having smaller communities organized by common interests within the larger Association to nurture members and relationships in this work. To foster this we support the organization and operations of these smaller groups in the ways described here.
Note: ARNOVA will award each section 2 conference registrations (either member or non-member) to invite participants to the annual conference. If the invited guest is not already a member, sections can either purchase membership for the participant or register them as a non-member attendee.

- Signing up for sections can be done while completing your initial membership registration process.
- If you are already a member and want to join one or multiple sections, click on the "Join a Section" button and proceed to check out. Dues are $12 per section.
Not a member yet?
To add sections to your membership
Already a member?
and pay for it online

Starting February 1, 2024, we're introducing new and competitive pricing to enhance your membership benefits – and as a token of our appreciation, your ARNOVA membership now includes a FREE annual affiliation with one of our incredible 10 sections.
HOW DOES IT WORK? - You will have the option to add your free section during the renewal process.
Click on the plus icon to learn more about each section. If you are an ARNOVA member, click on the "Member homepage" link to access the section latest news and more! Active members can also join and pay sections online (log in required).
How do I join a section?
Sections can be added during membership registration or renewal. If you wish to join a section after completing your membership registration or renewal process, you have two options: either visit, click on "Join a section" to add and pay for the section(s) of your choice, or contact our Membership Coordinator, Julio Castro (
When does my section membership expire?
Section memberships serve as add-ons to an existing ARNOVA membership and will expire with your ARNOVA membership.
Where can I see the list of sections I’m part of?
Once you have logged in to your account, you will be directed to your Info Hub dashboard. Click on "My Info" just below "Home" in the left menu, and on the right side of the page you will find the sections you belong to under "Lists/Committees."
Where can I find more information and updates on my section?
To view general information about each section, you can visit or the "Sections" dropdown from the ARNOVA website. You can also view section-related Forums, events, and resources all from within your Info Hub once you are logged in.
How can I contact the members of my section?
Our new website and Info hub features a "Forums" option in the left menu, a space designed to interact with all the members of your sections. Section chairs serve as moderators and can create topics of discussion for members to comment and interact with.
How do I remove a section from my membership?
Section memberships are renewable each year; to drop or remove a section membership please email our Membership Coordinator, Julio Castro ( to have the section removed before your next renewal.
See a current listing of Common Interest Groups here.